Today’s blog naturally follows my last blog, The Gift in the Rear-View Mirror. Click here to read the blog: As you acknowledge, with gratitude, the learnings and gifts of the past, now it is time to allow it to be the wind beneath your wings as you turn your gaze to looking forward. What are your next steps?
The chaotic condition of our present outside world is prime territory to birth essential soul work. If you have ever birthed a baby, a book, a film, a work of art, a new culinary creation, a new song or any other creative endeavor, you know that the seemingly chaotic mess that often preceeds the birthing is a necessary part of the process.
Our human family is in the messy creative process of evolving. What are we evolving into? Good question!
What you evolve into is up to you. It depends on your choices as an individual and our collective choices as a connected human family. And right now, we are standing in ‘choice central’ between two dimensional viewpoints.
The viewpoint we are used to as third dimensional beings is based on our senses. This is the information you gather through what you see, hear, touch, taste and smell. This information is then interpreted by your brain and becomes your day-to-day experience.
Have you noticed that some of your life’s experience just cannot be explained by the information gathered by the five senses? Have you noticed that this viewpoint is expanding?
We are actually multi-dimensional beings who have collectively agreed to view the world through a third-dimensional lens. As we begin to acknowledge this and understand it, your lens changes, as does your brain as it learns how to interpret a new level of information. As we do that, we shift our interpretation from brain to mind.
Here is one way to think about it. If I ask you to point to your brain, where would you point? I hope you are pointing to your head! If I ask you to point to your mind, where would you point?
Your mind is not a physical thing that we can point to, yet it is very real. It is part of the multi-dimensional being that you are. Your mind is connected to the entire universe!
Scientists at the HeartMath Institute have shown in numerous studies how the brain and nervous system act as a transmitter and receiver.
As your perceptual lens expands more into the mind and its infinite connections with everything, you begin to sense in different ways. This is called holographic perception. As your mind becomes quieter and your lens becomes more heart-centered, you will find that you have access to information in the universal field that will support your soul work and soul service to the human family.
I encourage you to go into your favorite meditation, quiet your mind and ask your beautiful heart for what is calling to be birthed into the world.
In Health and Harmony,