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One on One sessions with Sharon Carne

Sharon sets aside time for a few 1-on-1 sessions each week. Here are some of the types of sessions she offers:

1. Zeal Point Chakra Activation

  • Have you been following your spiritual journey for many years and recently been feeling like you just can’t move forward?
  • Have you been suffering from headaches, vision problems, tension in the neck and shoulders and fatigue? And what has worked in the past to relieve these symptoms just isn’t working anymore?
  • Have you lost touch with or felt disconnected with your spiritual self lately?
  • Have you had difficulty lately in hearing your inner guidance?
  • Are you feeling like you have lost your sense of direction for your life?

The Zeal Point chakra, located at the back of the head and at the base of the skull is beginning to open in some people. And it is creating a myriad of symptoms.

The Zeal Point chakra is also known as the Mouth of God, Well of Dreams, Jade Pillow or the Ascension Chakra. It was open and active during Lemurian and Atlantian days and became closed down in humanity when Atlantis fell.

This chakra connects directly with the pineal and pituitary glands, the crown chakra, the heart chakra and the kundalini. It is the only chakra that actually channels energy into the body.

These sessions are available as either in person sessions in her healing space in Calgary, or over Zoom if you do not live in Calgary.

We will be focusing on supporting the gentle and natural opening of the Zeal Point chakra as it fits in with your own evolutionary path.

Click here to learn more, or to register

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2. Sound Wellness Healing Session

Sound Wellness is a holistic modality that uses techniques based on sound and music to bring your body, mind, emotions and spirit back into harmony. It is from this place of harmony that healing takes place. And it is from this place that you can maintain and support your health, prevent illness and extend the quality of your life.

During a Sound Wellness session, we connect with your body’s innate ability to recognize, incorporate, transmit and respond to sound. 

Sound is defined as vibrational energy. It is a physical energy that pushes against your atoms and molecules as it moves, traveling faster through your body than through the air. Sound is a fascinating, physical modality that works at the cellular level, the quantum level, and the multi-dimensional level of the soul.

Sound Wellness can also be a wonderful complement to other modalities.

Ways in which a Sound Wellness session can support you:

  • create relaxation
  • reduce or eliminate pain
  • boost your immune system
  • diminish depression
  • dissolve emotional blocks
  • stimulate the natural healing ability of your body
  • accelerate growth in consciousness
  • give you peace
  • and more.

These sessions are available as either in person sessions in her healing space in Calgary, or over Zoom if you do not live in Calgary.

Click here to learn more, or to register

You will be redirected to the Sound Wellness Institute.



About Sharon

Sharon Carne, BMus, M.F.A.Sharon Carne is an author, international speaker, program developer and trainer, musician, recording artist, and sound healer. A near death experience as a baby set the stage for a lifetime of fascination with the mystical. Sharon’s soul work and passion is to help you remember that sound affects every particle of your being. It is the energy that propels music and language into the world. Sharon has taught thousands of people how to use sound, especially the voice, as a carrier wave for thought and intention to support wellbeing in profound ways.

Sharon founded Sound Wellness in 2008 after participating as a facilitator in a study on stress through the Integrative Health Institute at Mount Royal University and seeing how much a deeper understanding of sound and music helped. As Sound Wellness grew, seeds were planted for deepening and evolving the soul work. In 2017 the Sound Wellness Institute and the Emergent Workforce were born. Through the Sound Wellness Institute, Sharon developed programs and training for holistic practitioners. Sound Wellness is now its own modality and practitioners receive the highest level of tested competency training in Canada in using sound and music to support their practice. The Emergent Workforce programs have been developed to support wellbeing, community, purpose, creative collaboration, and kindness in the workplace.