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The Perfect 5th

Stress Reduction in under 30 seconds!

I recently received an email from Traci Brown, who had been given some news causing great sadness and difficulty for her and her husband. Her story warms my heart with how much help she received from a couple of simple sound healing tools.

“I have always been a high strung, type A, non-stop doer and to get this news knocked the wind out of me. I went into great despair and my mind could not stop thinking about every worse possible outcome that could happen (always have been a worrier in my thoughts). Fia-lynn (who attended our 3 day Sound Wellness Solution workshop last November), used the tuning forks on me the next day to help, and each day after. Within two days, I felt a difference. I did not have the negative obsessive thoughts as much. Within a week, I was able to refocus them if they did pop into my head. For Christmas, she gave me my own set. I use them every day. It has helped me regain strength of mind and clarity. It has helped me continue to advocate for our little boy through emails and phone calls based on facts and not overwhelming emotion. I just needed you to know what a difference it has made.”

While there are many proven sound and music options to help you help you reduce stress and strengthen your health, the Perfect 5th tuning forks are AMAZING and they’re backed by science.

They are a solution for effective self- care that takes less than 30 seconds. There is huge potential to use these tuning forks effectively, even on your most hectic day.

Tuning ForksThe longer fork is tuned to the musical note C at 256 Hz – slightly lower than Middle C on the piano keyboard.

The interesting thing about this sound is that it is derived from one of the measured frequencies the earth. Most people feel a sense of grounding, or becoming more present, when they hear this sound. It is like “Ahhh, that feels better!” You wouldn’t believe the number of times I have heard that when I have played these by people’s ears. 

The shorter fork is tuned to the musical note G at 384 Hz.

The interval of C to G spans 5 notes C – D – E – F – G. Because of that, when you play these 2 forks together, the sound you hear is known as a Perfect 5th.

More important is the ratio of the frequencies of these two forks. 256 Hz to 384 Hz creates a ratio of 2 to 3.

The ratio of the perfect 5th creates one of the most healing and balancing sounds for the human being. For thousands of years, Western music has been based on the sound of the perfect 5th.

Nitric Oxide with one Oxygen and one Nitrogen atomBefore I tell you more about the forks though, I need to tell you about nitric oxide.

The nitric oxide cycle in the body is one of the essential natural cycles at the cellular level to maintain and sustain health and wellness by –

  • strengthening the immune system,
  • improving circulation and digestion,
  • and significantly reducing stress.

And that’s just a partial list of its many benefits.

This cycle is depressed or stopped altogether when we are stressed, or over-tired, or ill. 

It’s so important, that in 1998, 3 research scientists were awarded the Nobel Prize in medicine when they discovered the natural nitric oxide cycle in our cells.

Since then, pharmaceutical companies have spent millions on creating a medication that stimulates the nitric oxide cycle, especially to help those with heart problems.

Research conducted by Dr. John Beaulieu, music therapist and naturopathic doctor and Dr. George Stefano, neurologist showed that these two frequencies consistently stimulated the production of nitric oxide in the body’s cells in less than 30 seconds. 

I wish I could play these for you in person so you could experience them to their fullest, but sadly, that’s not possible. But you can still listen to them through your speakers, and the effect is almost as good.



Having the perfect 5th tuning forks in your purse, pocket or a desk drawer makes them available any time you need them. When my attention is waning while working at the computer, I use them to refresh my focus. If I feel I am coming down with a cold, then I use them to stimulate and strengthen my immune system.

If the sound resonates with you, and you would like your own set (listening to an mp3 recording will never be as powerful as playing them for yourself), they are available in our store. Click here to order your own set.



The Perfect 5th

Stress Reduction in under 30 seconds!

I recently received an email from Traci Brown, who had been given some news causing great sadness and difficulty for her and her husband. Her story warms my heart with how much help she received from a couple of simple sound healing tools.

“I have always been a high strung, type A, non-stop doer and to get this news knocked the wind out of me. I went into great despair and my mind could not stop thinking about every worse possible outcome that could happen (always have been a worrier in my thoughts). Fia-lynn (who attended our 3 day Sound Wellness Solution workshop last November), used the tuning forks on me the next day to help, and each day after. Within two days, I felt a difference. I did not have the negative obsessive thoughts as much. Within a week, I was able to refocus them if they did pop into my head. For Christmas, she gave me my own set. I use them every day. It has helped me regain strength of mind and clarity. It has helped me continue to advocate for our little boy through emails and phone calls based on facts and not overwhelming emotion. I just needed you to know what a difference it has made.”

While there are many proven sound and music options to help you help you reduce stress and strengthen your health, the Perfect 5th tuning forks are AMAZING and they’re backed by science.

They are a solution for effective self- care that takes less than 30 seconds. There is huge potential to use these tuning forks effectively, even on your most hectic day.

Tuning ForksThe longer fork is tuned to the musical note C at 256 Hz – slightly lower than Middle C on the piano keyboard.

The interesting thing about this sound is that it is derived from one of the measured frequencies the earth. Most people feel a sense of grounding, or becoming more present, when they hear this sound. It is like “Ahhh, that feels better!” You wouldn’t believe the number of times I have heard that when I have played these by people’s ears. 

The shorter fork is tuned to the musical note G at 384 Hz.

The interval of C to G spans 5 notes C – D – E – F – G. Because of that, when you play these 2 forks together, the sound you hear is known as a Perfect 5th.

More important is the ratio of the frequencies of these two forks. 256 Hz to 384 Hz creates a ratio of 2 to 3.

The ratio of the perfect 5th creates one of the most healing and balancing sounds for the human being. For thousands of years, Western music has been based on the sound of the perfect 5th.

Nitric Oxide with one Oxygen and one Nitrogen atomBefore I tell you more about the forks though, I need to tell you about nitric oxide.

The nitric oxide cycle in the body is one of the essential natural cycles at the cellular level to maintain and sustain health and wellness by –

  • strengthening the immune system,
  • improving circulation and digestion,
  • and significantly reducing stress.

And that’s just a partial list of its many benefits.

This cycle is depressed or stopped altogether when we are stressed, or over-tired, or ill. 

It’s so important, that in 1998, 3 research scientists were awarded the Nobel Prize in medicine when they discovered the natural nitric oxide cycle in our cells.

Since then, pharmaceutical companies have spent millions on creating a medication that stimulates the nitric oxide cycle, especially to help those with heart problems.

Research conducted by Dr. John Beaulieu, music therapist and naturopathic doctor and Dr. George Stefano, neurologist showed that these two frequencies consistently stimulated the production of nitric oxide in the body’s cells in less than 30 seconds. 

I wish I could play these for you in person so you could experience them to their fullest, but sadly, that’s not possible. But you can still listen to them through your speakers, and the effect is almost as good.

Here is the sound of the ‘C’ tuning fork at 256 Hz.


Here is the sound of the ‘G’ tuning fork at 384 Hz.


And now here are the 2 forks together.


Having the perfect 5th tuning forks in your purse, pocket or a desk drawer makes them available any time you need them. When my attention is waning while working at the computer, I use them to refresh my focus. If I feel I am coming down with a cold, then I use them to stimulate and strengthen my immune system.

If the sound resonates with you, and you would like your own set (listening to an mp3 recording will never be as powerful as playing them for yourself), they are available in our store. Click here to order your own set.



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