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It’s flu season again!

Every year, during the peak of flu season, I offer a free download of my recording called, “Reset.”

Back in November of 2009, Calgary was inundated with illness and fear. There was a major flu epidemic in the making, and an almost total lack of vaccine. This created an aura of fear in the whole city.

As a response to all this fear in the air, I created a track called “Reset.” It contains some of the most powerful healing sounds I know.

My intention in creating this sound is to allow people to ‘reset’ their body, mind, emotions and spirit to a higher vibration. And to stimulate the natural healing ability of the body.

Music and sound has been shown in scientific studies to lower the levels of cortisol (the stress hormone) in 10 minutes. Ten minutes!! That is strengthening to the immune system.

Here is a list of the powerful healing sounds in “Reset” and why they are there:

Running brook in the woodsWater

You’ll hear the sound of softly bubbling water to calm you, reconnect you with nature and wash away what is no longer desired.



Perfect 5th tuning forksThe perfect 5th tuning forks C (256 Hz) and G (384 Hz):

One of the effects this sound has at a physical level is that it stimulates your cells to produce and release nitric oxide – in less than 30 seconds!

This natural cycle is one of your body’s essential natural cycles for health and well-being.  This cycle is suppressed when you are tired, ill, or under stress.

Here are some of the benefits you experience when this cycle is operating normally:

  • Relief from stress, more energy and stamina.
  • The autonomic nervous system is balanced giving you better clarity of mind, less depression.
  • Nitric oxide strengthens the immune system.
  • Circulation is improved.
  • Your digestion wil be improved.

If you want a set for yourself, these two forks are available on our website as a set. Click here to check them out in our store.

The Medicine Buddha Mantra

You’ll hear me chanting the Medicine Buddha Mantra along with the sound of the Perfect 5th Tuning Forks.

Several years ago, I was deeply honoured to be present at a Medicine Buddha Empowerment offered by a respected Tibetan Lama during which he transmitted the Medicine Buddha Mantra to those present.

Jonathan Goldman describes this mantra in the liner notes to his CD, “Medicine Buddha.” He says, “The Medicine Buddha is known as the Healing Master of Lapis Lazuli Radiance. He is one of the most honored figures in the Buddhist tradition.

This mantra may be literally translated as ‘Oh Healer, the Great Healer, King of the Healers, who has perfectly gone beyond, please bless me!’

This mantra calls in assistance for healing at all levels – physical, emotional, mental and spiritual.

528Hz tuning forkThe 528 Hz Tuning Fork

The frequency, 528 Hz, is used by genetic engineers to repair DNA. It also supports your heart and your heart chakra.  

The heart chakra, is the ‘grand central station’ of your entire energetic system. Among its many functions, it supports your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health and well-being.  




Diamond - Rose Quartz crystal singing bowlMy Diamond / Rose Quartz singing crystal bowl.

This bowl is made of clear quartz crystal with diamond and rose quartz bonded to the outside of the bowl.

The energy of diamond is brilliance, soul, truth, clarity and integrity. The rose quartz softens the brilliance of the diamond with heart energy.

The sound of this bowl connects you at a very high spiritual level through the field – giving a strong connection to your soul.

The link to Reset is below. If these sounds appeal to you, try listening a few times. See if it makes a difference in how you feel.

The link to Reset is below. If these sounds appeal to you, try listening a few times. See if it makes a difference in how you feel.


Important Note!

You cannot download this file to a mobile device, such as a tablet or smart phone. The operating software of these devices does not allow it. You must first download to a laptop/desktop computer, and then use your system software to upload the file to your tablet or smart phone.

[ddownload id=”1818″ style=”button” button=”green” text=”Download Reset”]


Reset! is copyright © 2009 by Mountain Rose Music. You are free to download this music for your own use. This music may not be copied, or distributed to others, in any form, although you are welcome to share the link to this page with your friends.